Practically everyone is either sensitive or mildly allergic to insect stings. Most people experience redness, some swelling, and itching at the site of the sting as their body reacts to the toxins in the insect’s venom. While this typical reaction can be irritating, it isn’t Read More
allergy treatment Naperville IL
FAQs About Allergies
According to statistics, allergies affect an estimated 50 million Americans each year, ranking as the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the country. If you are experiencing symptoms that you suspect to be caused by an allergy, you have one powerful tool that can help you with your Read More
How Do I Know if This Is the Right Allergy Doctor for Me?
Choosing the right allergy doctor is imperative when you want a professional medical evaluation and treatment that works to tamp down your allergy. Allergies have no cure but can be treated, and the quality of treatment you receive largely depends on your choice of allergy doctor. With the right Read More
What does an allergist treat?
An allergist is a medical doctor that specializes in allergy treatment and immunology. An allergic reaction is an overreaction by the immune system to something that’s normally harmless. Not all allergies are the same. Some people have mild allergies, while others have severe reactions upon Read More